If you ever need to dig into historical facts regarding Real Estate in Greater Vancouver, you may want to look into this unique and interesting historical archive. Regards /Dodi
The Real Estate Board's archives preserve a diverse range of unique historical materials bringing to life the business, economic and social history of the Real Estate Board.
The archive also documents the real estate industry and land use in Metro Vancouver communities through time. Much of the material is unavailable elsewhere.
Some documents are available in an electronic gallery. For information contact Teresa Murphy,tmurphy@rebgv.org
Historic Documents
Unique, irreplaceable and often fragile Real Estate Board records include:
• signatories to the original constitution of 1888
• hand-written minute books, some in good condition, dating back to 1934
• bylaws (and their development)
• committee meeting notes
• correspondence, diaries, notations and personal papers of executive officers
• initiatives related to government legislation, regulation, charitable works
• newsletters, bulletins, brochures, fliers, drawings, maps and pamphlets
Includes catalogues, certificates, maps, lockboxes, pens, photos of early real estate offices and members, technology, trophies and a football.
Some of these items are on display in the lobby of the Board's office.
Available online.
Rare annual and monthly commercial and residential data, 1960s to 1980s.
Available online.
Unique subdivision maps from the 1920s of areas such as Jericho and Point Grey.
Available online.
Dating back to the 1880s, these photographs include:
• presidents, directors, division members, committees, members and board staff)
• events and functions - awards, charitable and social, good works, students in courses and classrooms
• notable persons - councillors, mayors, MLAs, MPs, company presidents
• real estate board offices and staff
• real estate offices in communities
• homes and neighbourhoods
• Metro Vancouver streetscapes and aerial photos taken by Board staff
Audio, cassettes, CDs and videos.
The Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver gratefully acknowledges the support of the Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia.